Get To Know Ya Tag

I watched Alliembooks‘s video for this tag and really wanted to do it as well, but in blog form! Y’all should check out her video as well!

Favorite book of all time?

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde!!!

Queens of Geek is about three friends who go to a new country for their first convention and to support their friend in her new movie. It is a fan’s playground. There are so many references to different things in pop culture that are so fun to spot while really capturing the feel of what it means and feels like to be a fan. Also, the writing is different from the way most books are written in my opinion. Its in first person, switching between two POVs, but it feels REAL. Like I’m in an actual teenager’s head not like most books where it still feels real but it still feels like a book. They may just be how I read it and how invested I was in the story and the characters, but it is one of the reasons I loved this book so much.

This book means the entire world to me! It has such a truly powerful and meaningful representation of anxiety that really reflected my own in a way that I had never seen before or thought that other people even experienced. This book is the only book to make me cry from start to finish because of the importance of it’s content to me. I truly can’t express how much this book means to me.

Favorite book five years ago?

Five years ago I was 12(yikes!) and my favorite book was probably Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffen.

I read this duology so many times! I would get bored or have nothing to read and would just pick it up and start reading, whether it was the first or second book it didn’t matter much to me, I loved both so much. It was exciting and mysterious and had such a fascinating atmosphere around it and always had me on my toes. It is such a suspenseful and romantic story based off of Edger Allen Poe’s story “Masque of the Red Death”. The books are just a really fun and entertaining read that’s cloaked with a unique atmosphere. I haven’t read it in years unfortunately, but they will forever be books I love.

Favorite duology/trilogy/series?

Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo or the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan

I love these two collections of books!! I read the Percy Jackson series first and I reread it every summer before I go back to school. The series means the world to me because of how happy it makes me and how I can always go back to that world and feel at home and loved within the pages.

For the Six of Crows duology, I found those books during a certain time in my life that kind of matched what I was going through at the time and left such a huge impression on me. Not only was it extremely meaningful, the writing was beautiful and the story was completely different from everything I’ve read before. I was consistently on the edge of my seat, desperate to know what happened next and became completely invested in all of the characters’ stories. This duology set a new standard for a lot of books I read, it was that good to me.

Last book you read?

Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh

This book was AMAZING. I’m currently on a queer girl main character book streak and it has been my happiest reading experience ever. The book follows a bisexual girl who is a necromancer and raises the dead so people can live longer with their loved ones and the king can continue the his reign of 200 years and prevent any change within his kingdom’s borders. That is until the Dead start getting turned into monsters and killing the innocent people of the kingdom. It was defiantly one of the heavier fantasy books based on the content such as drug addiction, dealing with the loss of loved ones and finding yourself, but was truly a fantastic read.

*note I originally wrote this in April and its now July and I have read more books since then but I like my commentary on this so I’m going to leave it. The last book I actually read was Fruits Basket Another by Matsuki Takaya which was 5/5 stars*

Last book of poetry you read?

I have never read a book of poems I don’t think, actually, so I cant really answer this question.

What book most influenced your life?

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

I first read this book while I was suffering through a depressive episode and just came out of an abusive relationship; I found solace in the Feyre’s story. I could see myself in her character and her struggle, and how it is possible to overcome the dark thoughts and traumatizing experiences one’s gone through. Through my love for Feyre and the whole story, I finally joined bookish communities on Instagram and Tumblr based off of our mutual love for this book, which lead to me meeting one of my best friends who I love and appreciate so much, as well as taking more chances and opportunities within the community as a whole. Without this book, I probably wouldn’t have found the courage or motivation to even write this post.

Although, I am greatly aware of the flaws within this trilogy and the author’s approach towards certain topics, this book will forever have an important place in my heart.

Book that made you ugly cry?

More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera or literally any other book (I cry way too easily when I read)

Pro tip: don’t read two Adam Silvera books within three days if you’re not prepared to sob indefinitely

I vividly remember finishing this book because I had just started it that day and had just come home from Menard’s with my mom. It was spring and school was almost over and I was on my last legs of barely getting through the rest of the school year. I was completely exhausted physically and emotionally. It was night when I finished and I just remember sitting on my floor sobbing my eyes out, streaking my face with ruined mascara.

Book that made you laugh?

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

There is not a single Rick Riordan book that hasn’t made me laugh, but The Lighting Thief probably takes the cake because it was from Percy’s pov of just learning about this whole other world he’s apart of and dealing with it through side handed remarks and responses. This book probably makes me laugh because of how happy it makes me in general too.

(Magnus Chase is a very close second)

Character you’d like to be for a day?

Annabeth Chase

I would be a DEMIGOD for a day!! Its like a one day free trail to be a demigod, hopefully without all the death and danger involved. I would finally be involved in a world I’ve adored for years. I already have similar qualities to Annabeth, therefore I wouldn’t really even be changing that much, simply enhancing what I already have. Also, I’d be friends with Percy, Grover, Leo and Hazel with Magnus as a cousin so that’s a huge plus right there. Annabeth Chase is a character I admire so much and to be able to step into her shoes for a day would be considered a huge honor to me.

Book so good you dreamt about it?

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

Can ya’ll tell I really love the Percy Jackson series?

I honestly cant remember what the dream was about exactly but I know for a fact I have had multiple Percy Jackson dreams while I was rereading the series for the fifteenth million time.

Book you DNFd?

I don’t think I’ve ever officially DNFd a book. Usually if I stop reading a book its because I got interested in something else and forgot about the original book I was reading.

What book are you most excited to read?

Blanca y Roja by Anna Marie McLemore!!!!! And What If It’s Us by Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli!!!

I couldn’t be more excited to read these books by my favorite authors!!! I’ve been internally screaming (and tweeting) about these books since they were announced and October cannot come fast enough! First, they’re by my favorite authors. Second, Blanca y Roja is a Swan Lake retelling that’s queer! Third, Adam Silvera AND Becky Albertalli??? Better start digging my grave now because I know I won’t be able to survive that combination. Fourth, honestly their both queer books and yeah that’s it.

I hope you found this at least somewhat interesting! For anyone who is interested in the tag please go ahead and do it and you can say I tagged you if you’d like.